
Foresight Academy

The Foresight Academy is the leading cross-industry foresight collaborative, exploring the key question “How do we want to live in 10 years?” The Foresight Academy consists of 16 brand partners: adidas, Allianz, Audi, Deutsche Bank, Deutsche Telekom, E.ON, Ferrero, Hornbach, Infineon, McDondald’s, Novartis, Pepsico, Porsche, SAP, Sonova, and Swiss Re.

gravity GmbH

gravity is a futures think tank based in Munich and the creative and conceptual lead agency of the Foresight Academy. gravity works at the intersection of foresight, design, and strategy.

Postler/Ferguson Ltd.

Postler/Ferguson is an industrial design studio based in Hamburg and London, working with brands to create solutions that span product ecosystems.


Future narratives & artefacts of tomorrow.
Milano, Alcova, 2024

Step into ‘EVERY THING EXISTS,’ a realm where design challenges its own existence.

In a world grappling with ecological constraints, design is dead. Or is it? From this daring thought emerges a new era of possibility. Rather than blindly producing we pause to reconsider, to reimagine products as platforms open to change. Can we create more by making less?

‘EVERY THING EXISTS’ is the starting point of a conversation about the future, about value creation, time horizons, beauty, and the way we define what we want. It explores new aesthetic paradigms in line with the messy, emerging Polycosm that is our future reality. ‘EVERY THING EXISTS’ is based on the insights of the leading foresight collaborative, the Foresight Academy. It blends the expertise of futures think tank gravity with the platform thinking approach of design studio P/F. Come by our space and join the conversation.


gravity GmbH
Steinerstr. 15, Haus C
81369 München

T: +49 89 599 4 599 0
F: +49 89 599 4 599 44

Represented by:
Managing Directors: Vicky Arndt, Judith Hufnagel

Amtsgericht München HRB 173930
VAT ID: DE 260 32 07 07